We are building a boat to demonstrate how small work craft can use electric propulsion!
There is a push from the public, authorities, and the market to find zero-emission solutions for the work boat and rescue boat fleet, this project set out to find a suitable and useful technical solution.
The project is based research from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Chalmers University of Technology. With patented innovation from electric motor company ZPARQ and strong industry partners, the project was granted funding to lead the way and show how Swedish Sea Rescue Society and other boat owners can reach zero-emission electric operation for their fleet.
The project is funded by the partners themselves and the Swedish energy agency, The Swedish post code lottery and Stiftelsen Sveriges Sjömanshus.
The project will continue until 2026 with new funding from the Swedish Transport Agency to address the following important areas:
• Use of demonstration platforms to demonstrate the technique
• Develop robust control algorithms for rough seas and wind conditions
• Optimize and develop completely new solutions for electric power for hydrofoil boats
• Adapting platforms for efficient testing of new solutions through modularisation of these

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